A Message from KI-EF President Chris Decorte
First and foremost, I hope that you are well and I wish that you remain strong and healthy.
Further to the developments of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) and in line with the decisions of public authorities in many countries, KI-EF’s Board has taken the difficult decision to cancel the 53rd European Convention in Brugge.
Members who had already booked and paid for the dinners and excursions will be reimbursed. Please be patient as we proceed with individual reimbursements.
The Host Committee has put much efforts in the preparation of this event and has done an extraordinary job to make it a memorable convention. Unfortunately, our daily lives have been profoundly changed in the past few days, forcing us to adapt and change our plans. I wish to thank the Host Committee for their unwavering commitment! They will now get in contact with all involved partners to cancel the activities which had been planned.
KI-EF’s Executive Committee is presently considering how, in this exceptional situation, the procedures regarding the business part of the convention (elections, amendments etc.) can be adapted. Further information will be given in due time.
Should you have any questions please send them to
Thank you for all you do for Kiwanis. In this uncertain period, everyone’s health comes first, so take good care of yourself and your loved ones!
Chris Decorte
KI-EF President 2019-20
Annullata la 53^ Convention KI EF
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