Expansion project due to create new clubs for young people or/and for past members of the Kiwanis Junior
Within the frame of the object “GROWTH” we can bring life to this innovation trying not to restrict the admittance only to young members of the Kiwanis Junior Clubs (KJC) but creating new Kiwanis Clubs (KC) in which young people can enter, otherwise they will have to be admitted in classic Kiwanis clubs being obliged to stay with senior members.
These new clubs will be just like the other K clubs, with the same rights and duties.
In order to encourage and give build these new clubs it’s fundamental consider them as a great novelty and provide them incentives. They have to be presented and considered one of the major strategies of growth and above all try to make everybody understand the importance that Kiwanis gives to the admittance of young people since they are the bearer and the real interpreters of the new age the…… “III Millennum”.
To proof this great interest, we can grant a money incentive for a certain period of time to the new clubs and they can even obtain facilities from the KI., the KI.EF and also from the Districts.
This project needs above all real enthusiasm, important vehicle to transmit this novelty of the III millennium to a group of young people having open minds from 30 to 45 years, which together represent, in the classic kiwanian tradition, innovation and a constant modernization since we live in an age of continuous changes and innovations.
The classic kiwanis, during his progress, emancipated and integrated in all epochs maintaining itself always: sparkling, present, modern, youthful and interesting.
Examining the actual composition of the KC it appears clear that the clubs that knew and been able to invest in the KJC have within them many members from the KJC that, as soon as they reached the age limit, passed in the Kiwanis club.
Most former members of KJ, with the preparation acquired during the plurennial experience in the KJC, have been easily introduced in the senior clubs and were called immediately to play prestigious and executive roles (Presidents, Secretaries, Adviser). If we consider instead the cases in which the member of the KJ did not pass in the KC the main cause was the considerable difference of age of the KC (“aged”) or in the lack of coordination between the activity of the KCJ and of the KC.
Another cause is the non-request from the KC that did not induced the passage and, in special cases, discouraged the entrance.
Last but not the least, we can’t forget the admittance due to the KC that was often too high for young people that just started to work or has created his own family.
If we really and concretely want to invest on the future, even in order to achieve the target of one million members within the year 2015, we could offer the young members of the KJ, who have reached the age limit, or before that, two possibility:
- ) Induce the former members KJ to pass in their own Senior KC, if the generational gap is not too strong, offering a 50% discount on the admittance dues to the KC of the annual dues due to the KI, to the KI. EF. and to the District which they belong for the first 3 years.
- ) Give the possibility to the former members of the KJ to build a new KC (KC III MILLENNIUM) in the same territory, “Multiple Club”, that, even having the same rights and duties of the other KC, they can have privileged and favorable economic conditions, for example: 50% reduced dues due to the KI, to the KI. EF. and to their original District.
Naturally to obtain these privileges during the constitution of a KC III MILLENNIUM they should have the following requirements:
1) The new KC III Millennium should have at least 3 members former founders KJ.
2) 80 – 90% of the members of the new Club must be under 44 years old.
3)10 – 20% of the partners of the Club can be over 45 years old.
4) The new KC III MILLENNIUM has to promote “at least” one of the clubs that are in the in the KI sponsored programs within the 3rd year from its constitution.
5) A person that already is member of a KC in a certain territory cannot be member of the new KC III MILLENNIUM, unless the KC, which he belongs to, doesn’t give a regular and formal permission to shift or to subscribe twice.
Proposal that does not consider the KJ or dedicated to the Districts where the Kiwanis Junior is not present.
1) 80 – 90% of the members of the new Club should be under 44 years.
2) 10 – 20% of the partners of the Club can be composed by members over 45 years.
3) The new KC III MILLENNIUM pledges to promote “at least” one of the clubs that are in the KI sponsored programs within the 3rd year from its constitution.
4) A person that already belongs to a KC in a certain territory cannot be part of the new KC III MILLENNIUM, unless the KC, which he belongs to, dosen’t give a regular and formal permission to shift or to subscribe twice.
Elio Garozzo – District Advicer 2004-05 (for Kiwajunior District)
NOTE: In the year 2004-05, holding the position of as District Advicer for Kiwanis Junior, I proposed the adoption of this proposal to the District Board. The project was approved but unfortunately was abolished at the District Convention in S. Marino three years later.
Da una ricerca appena avviata sulla composizione attuale dei KC italiani è emerso un dato interessante: oggi dentro a quei KC italiani che hanno saputo e potuto investire sui propri KJC si trovano parecchi ex soci KJ che raggiunto il limite d’età sono in essi transitati.
Si noti che tutti questi ex KJ, forti della preparazione acquisita durante la pluriennale esperienza nel KJC di provenienza, sono stati chiamati subito a svolgere ruoli di prestigio e direttivi, bene inserendosi nel tessuto connettivo del KC Senior (Presidenti, Segretari, Adviser) ed addirittura alcuni di essi svolgono ormai attività distrettuali (Elio Garozzo – Amministratore/Adviser, Luca Fiorita – Trainer KIEF). Laddove invece il socio KJ non è transitato nel KJC la causa principale è la notevole differenza di età media del proprio KC Senior (KC “invecchiato”). Altre cause riscontrate sono la mancata richiesta del KC che non invoglia al passaggio ed in casi particolari addirittura ne scoraggia l’ingresso.
In tal senso, investendo concretamente sul futuro, dovremmo poter offrire una doppia possibilità al giovane socio KJ al momento dei raggiunti limiti d’età:
- ) creare una pista d’ingresso privilegiato al proprio KC Senior (s’intende in quei KC ove il gap generazionale non sia ormai troppo forte) utilizzando il sistema già in uso in parecchi KC che consentono di far risparmiare la tassa d’iscrizione al KC ed il pagamento di sola mezza quota annuale per un massimo di 3 anni;
- ) dare la possibilità di costituire un nuovo KC (KC III MILLENNIO) nello stesso territorio (“Multiple Club”) che, pur avendo gli stessi diritti e doveri degli altri KC, goda di condizioni economiche privilegiate e più favorevoli (pagamento ridotto del 70% delle quote dovute al Distretto solo per un tempo limitato a soli 3 anni).
Naturalmente perchè sia possibile ottenere tali privilegi nel costituire un KC III M devono concorrere i seguenti requisiti:
1) il nuovo KC-III M deve avere almeno 1 socio fondatore ex KJ
2) per l’80/90% il Club deve essere composto da soci di età 34/44 anni
3) per il restante 10/20% il Club può essere composto da soci di età non superiore ai 45/55 anni
4) l’impegno a costituire un KJ o altro Club giovanile (K-Kids, Builders etc.) entro il 3° anno dalla costituzione
5) non può far parte del nuovo Club alcun socio facente parte di KC già esistente sul territorio, salvo che il KC conceda regolare nullaosta al passaggio.
Normativa approvata C.d.A del Distretto Italia-S.M. in data 10/03/2005 ex punto 4 O.d.G immediatamente esecutiva ed avente vigenza e vigore regolamentare
Elio Garozzo – Advicer distrettuale a.s. 2004-05
NOTA: Nell’anno 2004-05, essendo in carica quale Advicer distrettuale, ne ho proposto l’adozione al CD del Distretto che lo ha approvato. Purtroppo fu abolito alla Convention distrettuale a S. Marino nel 2008.
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