A.S. 2018-2019

27-30 june 2019 – ORLANDO
Walt Disney Worlds Resort

24-26 may 2019 – REYKJAVIK, ICELAND

2-5 may 2019 – DORNBIRN
Austria District Convention

12-13 october 2018 – PRAGA



5-7 october 2018 – INDIANAPOLIS

My first Board Meeting as K.I. Trustee. 
Honored to work with this great team of Kiwanian Leaders.

Proud to be Italian. I’lldo my best to make Kiwanis stronger


7 october 2018 – Prime 47 Carmel at Clay Terrace




 Cari Kiwaniani, cari amici,
sono estremamente onorato di essere qui con voi oggi.
Sono entrato nel Kiwanis circa 35 anni fa e mi sento pronto a mettere a disposizione la mia esperienza, passione ed entusiasmo.
La nostra organizzazione non si trova oggi nelle migliori condizioni. Stiamo perdendo soci ogni anno e questa tendenza purtroppo continua. Per me questa è attualmente la nostra più grande sfida. Perché con meno membri ci saranno meno Kiwanis e meno service! Quindi, prima di ogni altra cosa, dobbiamo affrontare questa emergenza. Spero di poter contribuire a trovare una soluzione per invertire questa tendenza.
Dobbiamo rendere i nostri soci sempre più consapevoli dell’importanza delle nostre attività di servizio a tutti i livelli.
Troppo spesso ho notato che molti dei nostri soci non si sentono parte di un’organizzazione internazionale di servizio: questo è un peccato, considerando che stiamo vivendo in una rete globale e in una società digitale. I soci per lo più hanno percezione solo del lavoro svolto dai loro club e, nel migliore dei casi, dai loro distretti, ma il Kiwanis è molto di più.
Il Kiwanis International investe e distribuisce milioni di dollari ogni anno e i membri del consiglio di amministrazione devono scegliere le priorità, il che significa un’enorme responsabilità.
Credo che abbiamo davvero bisogno di un cambiamento per trovare nuove strategie e aggiornare i piani attuali. Il cambiamento è necessario per andare avanti e guardare al futuro con fiducia e ottimismo.
Sono molto orgoglioso di essere Kiwaniano come lo siete voi e spero di poter fare di più quale Kiwanis International Trustee.
Mi impegnerò a rendere il Kiwanis più forte. Ve lo prometto, non vi deluderò!
Grazie, evviva il Kiwanis!
Elio Garozzo

 Dear  Fellow Kiwanians, dear friends,
I am extremely honored to be here with you today.
I  joined  Kiwanis about 35 years ago and I feel ready to put all my experience, passion and enthusiasm into service.
Our organization is not in the best condition. We are losing members every year and this trend is unfortunately continuing. For me this is currently our biggest challenge. Because with less members there will be less Kiwanis and less service!
So before anything else, we have to face this emergency.
I hope to be able to contribute to finding  a solution to reverse this trend.  We have to make our members ever more aware of the importance of our service activities at every level.
All  too  often  I  have noticed  that  many of our members don’t feel part of an international service organization:  this is a shame, considering we are living in a global network and a digital society. Members mostly see only their clubs and at best, their districts, but Kiwanis is much more.
Kiwanis International invests and distributes millions of  dollars every year and the board members must choose the priorities, which means a huge responsibility.
I believe we really need a change to find new strategies and update current plans.  Change is necessary in order to go forward and look to the future with confidence and optimism.
I’m very proud to be Kiwanian like you and I hope to be able to do more for our Kiwanis Family serving as Kiwanis International Trustee.
                I will commit to making Kiwanis stronger .
I promise, I won’t let you down!
Thank you. Viva Kiwanis
Elio Garozzo

 Chers kiwaniens, chers amis,
Je suis extrêmement honoré d’être avec vous aujourd’hui.
Je suis devenu membre de Kiwanis il y a 35 ans et je me sens prêt pour mettre mon expérience, ma passion et mon enthousiasme au service de l’organisation.
Notre organisation n’est pas dans les meilleures conditions. Chaque année, nous perdons des membres et malheureusement cette tendance ne s’arrête pas. Pour moi, il est actuellement le défi principal, parce que s’il y a moins de membres, il y aura moins de kiwaniens et moins de service !
Donc, avant tout, nous devons gérer cette situation d’urgence. J’espère pouvoir contribuer à trouver une solution pour renverser cette tendance. Nous devons faire prendre conscience de l’importance de nos activités de service à nos membres, à tout niveau.
Trop souvent, je me suis rendu compte qu’un grand numéro de nos membres ne se sentient pas partie prenante d’une organisation internationale de service : c’est un dommage si nous considérons le fait que nous vivons dans un réseau global et dans une société numérique. Les membres voient principalement leurs clubs et au mieux, leurs districts, mais Kiwanis est beaucoup plus que cela.
Kiwanis International investit et distribue des millions de dollars chaque année et les membres du conseil doivent choisir les priorités,  ce qui est une grande responsabilité.
Je crois que nous avons besoin de vraiment changer pour trouver de nouvelles stratégies et pour mettre nos projets actuels à jour.
Le changement est nécessaire afin d’avancer et regarder vers l’avenir avec assurance et avec optimisme.
Je me sens très fier d’être kiwanien comme vous et j’espère pouvoir faire plus pour notre famille Kiwanis en servant comme Trustee International.
Je m’engagerai à rendre Kiwanis plus fort. Je vous promets que je ne vous décevrai pas !
Merci. Viva Kiwanis !
Elio Garozzo

Liberiamo le energie!   Let’s free our energy!
Libérons les énergies!  Lasst unsere  Energien frei!



  Inizia il lavoro impegnativo ma appassionante del Trustee! 
Per evitare il solito ed inefficace gap di comunicazione, intendo pubblicare in questo sito (Trustee activities),  le notizie salienti riguardanti  il lavoro svolto, mettendo on line  anche gli atti del Kiwanis International di cui è consentita la pubblicazione.
Vi invito anche a contattarmi direttamente: non esitate a farlo, anche con una breve email cui cercherò di rispondere.

  Now, the hard work as Trustee begins. In order to avoid a communications gap, I invite you all to consult this my website (Trustee activities), I will update it with news of the work we are carrying out and publishable actions.
I invite you all to keep in touch directly: don’t hesitate, I’ll try to respond to even a brief email.

  Maintenant, le travail dur de Trustee commence. Afin d’éviter un manque de communication, je vous invite à consulter ce mon site (Trustee activities), je le mettrai à jour avec l’information que nous faisons et les actions que l’on peut publier.
Je vous invite à me contacter directement: n’hésitez pas, j’essayerai de répondre aussi à un email bref.


  Carissimi amici kiwaniani,

a Baveno alla Convention europea abbiamo potuto “liberare le energie!” (…vi ricorderete il mio motto da Governatore nell’anno del centenario) e tra pochi giorni a Las Vegas, in occasione della Convention internazionale del Kiwanis avrà luogo la proclamazione ufficiale della mia elezione a Trustee del Kiwanis.

Comincerà una grande avventura di cui sento sin d’ora pienamente la responsabilità nel rappresentare tutta l’Europa e tutti i soci del vecchio continente dentro il board, il consiglio di amministrazione internazionale, sedendo accanto al Presidente del Kiwanis International e servendo proprio nel cuore della nostra organizzazione. Vi prometto di fare del mio meglio per render la mia presenza efficace e concreta come nelle mie corde. Non mi piace riscaldare la sedie e vivere di rappresentanza: vorrò invece, come ho sempre fatto a tutti i livelli di impegno cui finora sono stato chiamato, porre la mia esperienza, le mie idee e la mia passione a servizio del nostro Kiwanis che come ben sapete non vive un buon momento. E’ necessario un cambiamento e non si può più attendere oltre: bisogna invertire il costante trend di decrescita di soci che ci affligge da alcuni anni. Non ho ricette e comunque il mio personale stile mi impone di entrare in punta di piedi, ascoltare e semmai al momento giusto cercare di mettere a frutto la mia conoscenza della nostra organizzazione, maturata in tanti anni di servizio.

E stata una avventura esaltante che ho vissuto e che ha visto protagonisti accanto ed assieme a me tanti che sento in di ringraziare vivamente.

GRAZIE per prima a mia moglie ed ai bambini, che magari non ricorderanno nulla ma che sono stati così importanti nel darmi la carica giusta nell’affrontare i momenti più sofferti e decisivi.

GRAZIE poi a tutti i delegati del nostro Distretto, oltre 160 mentre normalmente solo poche decine partecipano alle Convention europee, che sono accorsi da tutte le parti dello stivale a sostenere concretamente la mia candidatura ed in particolare i più lontani che si sono sobbarcati spese ingenti pur di esserci: quindi il mio club Catania Est e la mia Divisione 2 Patrimonio dell’Umanità con la presenza di quasi tutti i delegati dei club.

GRAZIE al mio staff di amici che mi ha offerto consigli ed anche punti di vista differenti di cui penso di fare sempre tesoro.

GRAZIE al Governatore ed a tutta l’organizzazione del Distretto, che mi hanno dato concreto sostegno e che hanno sposato la mia candidatura, quella di un Italiano che sente l’orgoglio di esserlo.

GRAZIE infine ai tanti amici che mi hanno dato una mano presso gli altri Distretti europei: con i soli i delegati italiani non avrei potuto spuntarla sul mio amico concorrente olandese. Evidentemente hanno ritenuto di darmi fiducia da tante parti di Europa e di questo sono onorato oltre che grato.
Un grande caloroso abbraccio a tutti e buon Kiwanis!
  Dear Kiwanian friends,

at the European Convention in Baveno we were able to “free our energy!” (you remember my motto as Governor during the Centenary Year) and in a few days in Las Vegas, at the International Kiwanis Convention an official proclamation of my election as Kiwanis Trustee will take place.
A grand adventure is about to start, for which I already feel the great responsibility of representing all of Europe and all the members of the Old Continent on the board, the body for international administration, sitting next to the president of Kiwanis International and serving at the very heart of our organisation. I promise that I will do my best to make my presence efficient and concrete, as is my speciality. I don’t like to just warm seats up and live solely for representation: instead, I want to do as I have always done up until now at all the levels of duty I have been called to – put my experience, my ideas and my passion into service in Kiwanis that, as you know, isn’t in its best state. A change is necessary and we can’t wait any longer: we need to reverse the constant trend of losing members, which has been going on for many years. I don’t have solutions and my personal style forces me to tiptoe into the issue, listening and then at the right time putting my knowledge of our organisation into use, which has been matured over many years of service.
It has been an exciting adventure, and I have seen many key players alongside and together with me who I feel the need to thank most deeply.
First of all, thank you to my wife and children, who maybe won’t remember anything but have been the most important in giving me the motivation to tackle the most difficult and decisive moments.
Thank you to all the delegates of our District, over 160 of whom a few dozen participated in the European Conventions, rushing from all over to greatly help my candidacy. In particular I would like to thank those furthest away who took on great expenses to be there – therefore, my own club, Catania Est and my Division 2 Etna Patrimonio dell’umanità.
Thank you to my staff, made up of friends, who offered me advice and different points of view, which I always take to heart.
Thank you to the Governor and all the District organisation, who gave me concrete support and embraced my candidacy as an Italian who feels proud of being Italian.
And finally, thank you to the many friends who lent me a hand from all European Districts: with just the Italian delegates, I would not have been able to win against my Dutch co-competitor. Evidently, all over Europe they believed that they could trust me, which I am not only honoured by, but also grateful for.
A great big hug to all and Viva Kiwanis!


  Chers amis kiwaniens,

à Baveno à la Convention européenne nous avons pu “libérer les énergies!” (vous vous souvenez de mon slogan comme gouverneur pendant l’année du centenaire) et à Las Vegas pendant la Convention Internationale, nous avons eu la proclamation officielle de mon élection comme Trustee du Kiwanis.
Une grande aventure est sur le point de commencer, dans laquelle je me sens complètement la responsabilité de représenter toute l’Europe et tous les membres du vieux continent du Board, le corps de l’administration internationale, où je m’assiérai à côté du Président de Kiwanis International et où je servirai dans le cœur de l’organisation. Je promets que je ferais de mon mieux pour rendre ma présence efficace et concrète, qui est ma spécialité. Je n’aime pas seulement réchauffer les sièges et vivre seulement pour la représentation: je veux faire comme je l’ai toujours fait à tous les niveaux de devoir auxquels j’ai été appelé – mettre mon expérience, mes idées et ma passion au service de Kiwanis, qui n’est pas, comme vous savez déjà, dans les meilleurs conditions. Un changement est nécessaire et nous ne pouvons plus attendre: nous devons inverser la tendance constante de perdre les membres, qui passe depuis beaucoup d’ans. Je n’ai pas de solutions et mon style personnel me force à traiter le problème avec délicatesse, à écouter et puis au moment juste mettre à profit mes connaissances, qui se sont développées et ont été raffinées pendant beaucoup d’ans de service.
Il a été une aventure palpitante, et j’ai vu des protagonistes avec moi que je dois remercier profondément.
Merci premièrement à mon épouse et à mes enfants, qui ne s’en souviendront rien peut-être mais ont été tellement importants, parce qu’ils m’ont donné la motivation pour aborder les moments plus difficiles et décisifs.
Merci à tous les délégués de mon District, plus de 160 desquels nombreux ont participé aux Conventions européennes. Ils se sont précipités de partout pour aider ma candidature. Je voudrais remercier particulièrement ceux qui sont venus de plus loin et ceux qui ont assumé des grandes dépenses pour m’accompagner – donc, mon propre club, Catania Est, et ma Division 2 Etna Patrimonio dell’Umanità.
Merci à tout mon personnel, constitué par mes amis, qui m’ont offert du conseil et des points de vue différents, que je prends toujours à cœur.
Merci au Gouverneur et à toute l’organisation du District, qui m’ont soutenu concrètement et qui ont adopté ma candidature comme un italien qui se sent fier d’être italien.
Enfin, merci à tous mes amis nombreux qui m’ont donné un coup de main dans tous les Districts européens: avec seulement les délégués italiens, je n’aurais pas pu gagner contre mon concurrent hollandais. Evidemment, ils ont cru dans toute l’Europe qu’ils pouvaient me faire confiance, dont je ne suis pas seulement honoré, mais pour lequel je suis reconnaissant aussi.
Une étreinte chaleureuse à tous et viva Kiwanis!


Delegates elected Arthur N. “Art” Riley as 2018-19 vice president at the 103rd Annual Kiwanis International Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Riley, from the Capital District, begins his role on October 1, 2018. Four members sought election to the vice president post, including John E. DeVilbiss from the Ohio District, Gary Levine from the Eastern Canada and the Caribbean District and Terry White from the Indiana District.

Delegates also confirmed the elections of Florencio “Poly” Lat of the Philippine Luzon District as 2018-19 president and Daniel Vigneron from the Belgium-Luxembourg District as 2018-19 president-elect. Per Kiwanis procedure, election to those positions were unchallenged.

Several members have also been elected to the Kiwanis International Board of Trustees, beginning October 1, 2018. They include:

Katrina J. Baranko of the Georgia District, George R. Delisle of the New England and Bermuda District and Ronald E. Smith from the Southwest District.
Tony Gunn of the Australia District was elected at the Kiwanis Asia-Pacific convention in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, this past March to fill a two-year term, representing the Asia-Pacific Region.
Kulwant “Sam” Sekhon of the Western Canada District had been elected by delegates at the 2017 Western Canada District convention in Winnipeg, Manitoba, for a three-year term as the Canada and Caribbean Region representative.
Elio Garozzo from the Italy-San Marino District will represent the Europe Region for a three-year term. He was elected at the Kiwanis International-European Federation convention in Baveno, Italy, this past May.
The at-large seat does not have a guaranteed trustee seat open for the 2018-19 administrative year.

Also during the business session, delegates passed two amendments to the Kiwanis International Bylaws and rejected one other.

Amendment 1: District Board Endorsement of Kiwanis International Board Candidates
To clarify that a district board may only endorse a candidate for Kiwanis International Board offices if the district board has first secured permission from the Kiwanis International Board. This does not affect normal endorsement by a district house of delegates.

Passed as amended:
Amendment 2: Timing of Kiwanis International Candidate Announcements
To require that Kiwanis International trustee candidates shall have served as immediate past governor prior to formally announcing candidacy to Kiwanis International.

Amendment 3: Family Member Status
To permanently adopt a new family membership status that provides a 50 percent Kiwanis International dues discount for qualifying members.

An administrative resolution, which proposed Kiwanis International convention funding changes, was withdrawn by the sponsoring Kiwanis Club of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

To learn more about the amendment proposals, consult the proposed amendments booklet.

In remarks to Kiwanians from around the world, Kiwanis International Executive Director Stan Soderstrom praised efforts by members, clubs and districts for funds raised for The Eliminate Project. More than US$78 million has been raised by Kiwanis, with additional funding from the Canadian government, UNICEF and USAID. The remaining pledges of $22 million are due by 2020.


1,581 Visite totali, 1 visite odierne

Liberiamo le energie